1847 Rice Price in Pakistan
The price of 1847 rice in Pakistan varies depending on the grade, quality, and location. In general, the price of 1847 rice is higher than other types of rice due to its long grain, aromatic flavor, and high nutritional value.
The average price of 1847 rice in Pakistan is around Rs. 1,200 per kilogram. However, the price can be higher or lower depending on the factors mentioned above. For example, the price of 1847 rice is typically higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Additionally, the price of 1847 rice is typically higher during the peak season (November-March) than during the off-season (April-October).
Here are some of the factors that affect the price of 1847 rice in Pakistan:
- Grade: The grade of 1847 rice is determined by its length, shape, color, and overall appearance. The higher the grade, the higher the price.
- Quality: The quality of 1847 rice is determined by its free from defects, such as broken grains, stones, and insects. The higher the quality, the higher the price.
- Location: The price of 1847 rice varies depending on the location where it is sold. The price is typically higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
- Season: The price of 1847 rice also varies depending on the season. The price is typically higher during the peak season (November-March) than during the off-season (April-October).
Here are some tips for buying 1847 rice in Pakistan:
- Buy from a reputable seller. Make sure to buy 1847 rice from a reputable seller who can provide you with a certificate of authenticity.
- Inspect the rice carefully. Before you buy 1847 rice, make sure to inspect it carefully for any defects.
- Store the rice properly. Once you buy 1847 rice, store it in a cool, dry place to preserve its quality.