Mushroom Cultivation And Spawn Preparation

Mushroom Cultivation And Spawn PreparationMushroom Cultivation And Spawn Preparation

Mushroom Cultivation And Spawn Preparation

Mushroom Cultivation And Spawn PreparationMushroom Cultivation And Spawn Preparation

Mushroom Cultivation And Spawn Preparation

It is a proprietorship firm. Mr. Gajjar is an expert in mushroom cultivation and spawn preparation since 1994. “We have also developed an easy and good cultivation practice for medicinal mushroom,” he says. The company is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Speaking about the inspiration behind starting the company, Mr. Gajjar says, “I felt that the country is facing the problem of nutritional deficiency in the diet. This may be covered by the high protein and rich nutrients. To supply the produce throughout the country and also to approach the foreign countries for this, it was necessary to establish the registered firm.
Products & Services
The company offers the following products and services:
· Agricultural land development
· Agricultural services
· Healthy products
· Medicinal and aromatic plantation service
· Post harvesting processes

Agricultural Land Development
When asked about the role of the company in agricultutral land development, Mr. Gajjar says, “I am in touch with a group of farmers in western zone of India like Rajasthan and Gujarat. They have been investing the money in the cheap land. It may become difficult for them to operate from the remote.
I provide them the local labors and also guidance to cultivate the crop according the quality of soil.”

Agricultural Services
The company provides other agricultural services also. It provides guidance for crops. “If needed, we provide the supervisors and also help them in cultivation and establishing the irrigation systems and marketing the produce at good rates. We also provide the know-how for the different irrigation system to install in the farm. We also guide the farmers in improving the soil texture, making the organic fertilizer on their own,” avers Mr. Gajjar.

The company also provides services to medicinal and aromatic plantation. “I provide the consultancy and also join the farmers as the technical and financial partner for long term. We do the trials of various crops possible in that region, not tried earlier,” he maintains. Some of the crops the company concentrates upon are palma rosa, lemon grass, ashwagandha, etc.

KTC procures the seeds of medicinal plants from genuine growers, who have nurseries to meet the demand for the plants.

Post Harvesting Processes
The company is involved in the post harvest related processes for mushrooms. “We are preparing the various products and supplying as per the demand,” avers Mr. Gajjar. The company is also planning to start post harvest processes related to medicinal plants.

The company also supplies soya and mushroom products “We are the suppliers of high quality rich protein dietary supplements made from soya protein isolates. We supply mushroom powder and also the capsules of mushroom,” maintains Mr. Gajjar, adding, “The products are mainly sold in Gujarat. Local customers in terms of health products are our clients.”

Speaking about the problems faced in marketing the products, Mr. Gajjar says, “We have to face direct competition with the multinational companies. I need to penetrate interior markets.”

KTC provides consultancy in mushroom cultivation and medicinal and aromatic plantation. “Before taking the projects I decide the distance and the size of the project and if it is viable for the customer then only I take up the project,” clarifies Mr. Gajjar.

There are 7 people working in the agricultural division of the company and all of them are on contractual basis. The annual turnover by the agriculture division is Rs. 6 lakhs. By educational qualification, Mr. Gajjar has done diploma in rural development and diploma in value addition and process of fruits and vegetable (DVAPFV). “I am having the mushroom cultivation experience from year 1994 and have taken the training under the NRCM Solan in that year,” he informs.