Archive by category Agribusiness Export

No wheat or flour crisis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

No wheat or flour crisis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

No wheat or flour crisis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa August 30-2013 Advisor to Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for Food Qalandar Lohdi has said that sufficient stock of wheat is available and there is no flour shortage in the province. He said the increase of Rs 20 per bag in the price of flour is due to […]

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Pakistan, China to work on biomass project

Pakistan, China to work on biomass project

Pakistan, China to work on biomass project August 30-2013 Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conservation (GIEC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) will work together on a biomass project to cope with energy crisis and promote clean energy in Pakistan. This was discussed and agreed in a meeting held at […]

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Reap lists factors behind fall in rice exports

Reap lists factors behind fall in rice exports

Reap lists factors behind fall in rice exports Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (Reap) has pinpointed major factors behind decline in rice exports. Reap Acting Chairman Chaudhry Samiullah told Business Recorder that lack of research and development in extra long grain seed has reduced the rice productivity per acre. “New varieties always help increase per […]

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Common Chemicals Worsening U.S. Obesity Epidemic

Common Chemicals Worsening U.S. Obesity Epidemic

Common Chemicals Worsening U.S. Obesity Epidemic August 27-2013 Most people think that diet and exercise are the two factors that determine a person’s weight. If we eat a good diet high in fruits and vegetables, and exercise regularly, then we should not have to worry about being overweight. However, according to the Institute for Agriculture […]

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Fukushima Radiation: Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over, Or Worse….

Fukushima Radiation: Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over, Or Worse….

Fukushima Radiation: Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over, Or Worse…. August 27-2013 The heart-breaking news from Fukushima just keeps getting worse…a LOT worse…it is, quite simply, an out-of-control flow of death and destruction. TEPCO is finally admitting that radiation has been leaking to the Pacific Ocean all along. and it’s NOT over…. […]

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How second-hand clothes kill business for Malawi’s tailors

How second-hand clothes kill business for Malawi’s tailors

How second-hand clothes kill business for Malawi’s tailors August 24-2013 About 10 tailors with old, noisy sewing machines stitch fabrics under the canopy of the shops in the old town of Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, occasionally look up to reveal forlorn faces. Osman Kabere says he has been making suits since 1978, but gone are the […]

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Absence of treatment plants hits Punjab mango exports

Absence of treatment plants hits Punjab mango exports

Absence of treatment plants hits Punjab mango exports August-22-2013 Absence of treatment plants to meet quarantine requirements of foreign buyers is impacting exports of mango from Punjab. To cater to the hungry markets of Australia and Japan, installation of treatment plants, particularly in Multan and Lahore, needs the attention of the government so that these […]

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Farmers Continue to Fight Monsanto’s ‘Seed Police’ « EcoWatch: Uniting the Voice of the Grassroots Environmental Movement

Farmers Continue to Fight Monsanto’s ‘Seed Police’ « EcoWatch: Uniting the Voice of the Grassroots Environmental Movement

Farmers Continue to Fight Monsanto’s ‘Seed Police’ « EcoWatch: Uniting the Voice of the Grassroots Environmental Movement  August 21-2013 These Monsanto monsters need to be stopped by any means necessary. Do you really want to feed vegetables and fruit to your children that has been GENETICALLY MODIFIED? I am so sick and tired of hearing […]

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Barter trade: Government to push ahead with wheat export to Iran

Barter trade: Government to push ahead with wheat export to Iran

Barter trade: Government to push ahead with wheat export to Iran August 7-2013 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has staved off the threat of US sanctions and is more concerned with United Nations restrictions in the upcoming export of wheat to Iran to clear outstanding power bills. Wheat can be supplied to Iran under barter trade and does […]

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Export of Agricultural products much lower than potential

Export of Agricultural products much lower than potential

Export of Agricultural products much lower than potential   August 6-2013   “We can exploit our export potential by adopting international standards,” UAF vice chancellor. DESIGN: MOHSIN ALAM FAISALABAD: Exports of agricultural and livestock products from Pakistan have consistently increased in recent years, but these are much less than actual potential and are restricted to […]

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Cotton rates firm amid strong buying by mills

Cotton rates firm amid strong buying by mills

Cotton rates firm amid strong buying by mills August 5-2013 Firmness prevailed on the cotton market on Monday in the process of strong buying by mills and spinners, dealers said. The official spot rate was unchanged at Rs 6,500. In the ready business, over 11,000 bales of cotton changed hands between Rs 6575-6700, dealers said. […]

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RESEARCH GRANTS TO BOOST AGRO PROCESSING INDUSTRY August 1-2013 The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), which manages the Agro Processing Competitiveness Fund (APCF) on behalf of the Economic Development  Department, is calling for expressions of interest for research grants. The APCF Research Grant, with a total investment of R12.5 million, was established to help boost competitiveness, growth,job creation and development […]

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LESOTHO FOOD CRISIS: SOUTH AFRICA ‘DONATES’ R180 MILLION August 1-2013 Food Anaboliset steroidit ja generiikka Viagra-lisäravinteita on useita. Jotkut valmistajat myyvät tabletteja, jotka sisältävät myös antioksidantteja (vitamiineja). ANABOLISET STEROIDIT JA GENERICS VIAGRA -lisäaineet ostaminen tiros 50 toimituksen kanssa bodybuilding ovat yleisimpiä proteiinijauheita, joita voidaan lisätä nesteisiin ja valmistettuihin proteiinijuomiin ja ravisteluihin. security in Lesotho has […]

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Food Security & Agriculture

Food Security & Agriculture

Food Security & Agriculture July 30,2013. OIC International’s Food Security & Agriculture programs aim to make measurable and sustainable improvements in farming production and resource utilization through instruction and skills improvement in growing, processing and marketing practices. We provide direct technical assistance to farmers through field extension agents, who live and work in communities to […]

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Agriculture & Water

Agriculture & Water

Agriculture & Water July 29,2013. Saudi Arabia’s agricultural development over the last three decades has been astonishing. Large areas of desert have been turned into agricultural fields – a major accomplishment in a country that receives an average of about four inches of rain a year, one of the lowest rates in the world. Today, […]

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Canadian Goose Burger, Anyone? Eating Invasive Species to Control Their Numbers

Canadian Goose Burger, Anyone? Eating Invasive Species to Control Their Numbers

Canadian Goose Burger, Anyone? Eating Invasive Species to Control Their Numbers July 29,2013. Would you eat a Canadian Goose burger? The video below suggests that it may not only be less harmful to the environment, but could actually provide an ecological benefit in areas where some varieties of Canada Geese are becoming invasive. That’s the […]

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Collapsible solar pavilion charges Volvo V60, fits in its trunk

Collapsible solar pavilion charges Volvo V60, fits in its trunk

Collapsible solar pavilion charges Volvo V60, fits in its trunk July 29,2013. In the future, electric cars and plug-in hybrids may be able to carry their own solar charging station with them, folded up and ready to deploy, right from the car’s trunk. The first of its kind is expected to be displayed in Rome […]

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What the Chinese experience of bird flu can teach us

What the Chinese experience of bird flu can teach us

What the Chinese experience of bird flu can teach us  My wife Carmen returned last Monday from a fortnight of touring China with two friends. She brought back several interesting cuttings from Chinese newspapers printed in English for tourists such as herself. They mostly concerned the outbreak of bird flu, caused by the new H7N9 virus […]

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