University of Agriculture Faisalabad

University of Agriculture Faisalabad

University of Agriculture Faisalabad


Mission follows Vision finding ways and
means of bringing to real life the images,
hopes, and dreams thrown up by Vision.
Irrespective of the many shared interests
and concerns that create an enduring nexus
between all institutions of higher learning,
the University of Agriculture, above all, by
its very nature must accord a primacy in
function to service to community. Indeed,
this is the only raison d’etre of its existence
that calls for fulfillment through an
integrated pursuit of the trinity of missions
of research (for acquisition of knowledge),
of teaching (for transmission of knowledge)
of application of knowledge (for Public
Service). Thus crucial to the university’s
sustained viability as a centre of excellence
and an agent of change and development
across the board is its ability to prepare a
high-level manpower to drive the engines of
improvement, and progress as a continuous
process of socio-economic advancement
maintained via an efficient interplay of the
forces of a possible breakthrough generated
in the university’s classrooms, laboratories
and experimental fields.
The university will give the highest priority
to resource allocation to its educational
programs at all levels as well as for the
future development of those areas that
represent the traditional strengths, quality,
reputation, unique to this institution which
continues to effectively respond to the
needs of students and other stakeholders.
The university is primed to ensure on a
continuing basis the strength of its faculty
expressed in the quality of instructions
imparted and the commitment of the
faculty to pursue excellence in education
and keep mediocrity at bay.
The primary focus of research will be
redressing problems and accretion of
knowledge and technology development
important to the State and Nation as also
the quality of life of our people at large.
Extension and outreach programs are
important parts of the mission of the
university because these programs directly
affect the lives of farmer community. The
university will respond to the changing
needs of the society.
Access: Providing education for all
students, regardless of their financial
circumstances, in broad ranges of
agricultural fields, as well as in graduate
programs leading to doctoral or terminal
Excellence: Maintaining a range of
academic programs of high standards and
maintaining national leadership in various
disciplines of agriculture and allied sciences.

An appropriate, high-sounding expression,
a concept or a construct commanding a
rising currency in today’s developmentoriented and globalizing world, simply
implies a sense of seeing things that may or
should happen in the days ahead.
General Information
The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) is a university in the city of Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. The first major institution of higher agricultural education was the Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute which was founded in 1906 in the undivided Punjab, before partition in 1947.

At independence in 1947 Pakistan was a primarily agricultural country and in spite subsequent..