What is an Agribusiness Enterprise?
August 8-2013
An agribusiness enterprise can be a firm, owned and operated by a single person (sole-proprietorship) or group of people (partnership), engaged in agri-related business like fruits & vegetable growers, processors, exporters, pulp extractors, juice manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, livestock farm owners, butcheries, slaughter houses, milk processors, milk-related items manufacturers, agri-equipment / machinery manufacturers, etc.
Why Need Business Development Services (BDS)?
Non-financial services which can improve the performance of an agribusiness enterprise, its access to markets and its ability to compete are called Business Development Services (BDS).
Few examples of BDS are: Formulation of feasibility / technical reports & policy, Development of business plans, Management / technical trainings & capacity building, Technology transfer / supply, Operational & other manual designing, Surveys & research, Advisory services, Legal services, Financial services, Engineering services, Machinery & technology procurement, Plant designing, erection and management, Product / sample development, Package designing, Advertising & marketing, Developing supply / value chain, Providing market information & access, Export advisory services, Software development, Quality certifications, System analysis & advisory, Event organizing, etc.
Who Provide Business Development Services?
Any individual or firm having the required know-how, qualification and expertise to provide related Business Development Services to an agribusiness enterprise is a Business Development Services Provider (BDSP). A BDSP can also be termed as a ‘consultant’ or ‘advisor’.
BDSPs can assist individuals & firms engaged in agri-related businesses, in employing modern techniques & practices and building within themselves the different skills, know-how, expertise and market understanding required by a fast-changing economic environment and improving their productivity, profitability, competitiveness and creditworthiness. BDSPs can play an important role in the development of a sustainable agribusiness sector, which can further lead to economic growth & employment generation in Pakistan.
What can ASF do for Agribusiness Enterprises?
ASF encourage existing and potential agribusiness enterprises to hire BDSPs / Consultants for the purchase of required Business Development Services for their business. ASF extend its support by sharing upto 50% of the purchase-cost of such services (upto Rs. 1.50 million on single application), in shape of grants (non-returnable) on reimbursement basis. ASF can also share 50% of the cost of acquiring certifications (ISO, HACCP, EurepGAP, etc.) and other associated costs.